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Aurora, Rowan, & Alan

In the predawn darkness of March 14, Kauai lost a number of souls to a raging wall of water released when a breach of the Ka Loko Reservoir dam occurred. Among those missing or dead are Aurora Fehring, her husband Alan Dingwall, and their son Rowan. Also missing are Daniel Arroyo, Christina (Sunny) Macnees, Timothy Noonan and Wayne Rotstein.

Aurora's name was inspired by the Roman goddess of dawn, and this was befitting, as hers was a brilliant soul whose light shined the way for so many.

The community may best remember her for her selfless gift to Kauai's children as an early childhood caregiver using traditional Waldorf methods in the Kilauea area. Through her, many preschool aged children learned of love, of freedom of spirit, and the magic of imagination.

Aurora's and Alan’s hearts were such that the suffering of others deeply affected them. They were particularly stricken by the devastating tsunami in Southeast Asia, their hearts going out to the newly orphaned children who had lost their parents and were left alone without their primary guiding light.

Aurora's parents have asked Amicus to establish a memorial fund for her and all the victims of this tragedy. In accord with their spirits, all money raised will be used to ease the burden of orphans and distressed families who suffered a similar tragedy in Asia.

From darkness dawns new light, new hope. In memory of Aurora, Alan. Rowan, and of every other victim of the Kauai flood, we, who are left behind, can only pray that out of this darkness will dawn a flood of compassion and goodness. It is in this way that all who died in this tragic event may have best wished to be remembered.

Many mahalos from the Fehring ohana and Kauai's Amicus Foundation.



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